Just Married... and now a Mama!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Our Rolling Little Lady!

At two days old Chatham was rolling from her tummy to her back, and yesterday she rolled from her back to her tummy for the very first time!!! She was enjoying some "me" time on her activity mat while Mom was putting some things away in the kitchen, and within 10 seconds of taking my eyes off her she was on her stomach :) She's a very determined little one... I have a feeling most of her "firsts" may come a lot earlier than expected! She's already frustrated in the bumbo seat and looking to sit up on her own (she can hold herself up for about ten seconds before slowly falling to one side!) I may start keeping our flip cam on and set up to record every move she makes so I can capture these first moments!!! More soon... :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Three Month Update!

We can't believe our sweet pea is already three months old... seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. We are so blessed to have such a sweet, happy and "low maintenance" baby. She's always smiling/giggling and the only cries we hear are for a reason and short-lived. She spends her days playing on her activity mat, bouncing in her jumperoo, sitting in her bumbo seat with her favorite toys, reading books with Mommy, going for walks around the city when it's nice out... consistent spring weather cannot come soon enough!!!
Chatham has been sleeping through the night since she was three weeks old and now sleeps away from Mommy and Daddy in her big girl crib (very hard for Mom to break away from having her so close!) Her sleeping positions are hysterical... arms up, legs out, head arched back and absolutely NO BLANKETS touching her (think snow angel). We swaddled her the first couple of weeks, but she let us know very early that she liked being able to stretch out her arms and legs during the night. I've tried to sneak a blanket over her a few times, but within minutes she was clearing her throat (that's her signal to look at her or fix something that's bothering her).
Chatham's baptism took place on April 10th when she was exactly three months old. We traveled home to Massachusetts for the big event, where she got to meet most of her relatives (including her two baby girl cousins Molly and Finley, all within four months of age!) She was amazing for both plane rides (we'll never hesitate to fly with her!!!) and continued to sleep through the night for at least ten hours while staying at my Aunt and Uncle's home. She seemed to really like the play yard! Below are a few pictures from our weekend trip home.

Watching Brooke's soccer game!

Daddy/Uncle Patrick with his girls :)

Uncle Jared with his nieces before the Christening

Brooke & Chatham girl

First Daughters... Mom absent, but there in spirit :)

Our Little Family

Father Quinn blessing Sweet Chatham

Mommy's Family

Daddy's Family

With the God Parents, Tara & Brian

"God Bless Chatham"

Daddy's Birthday Cake from Chatham

Best Buddies...the three baby girls!
Finley - 7 months, Chatham - 3 months, Molly - 5 months