Just Married... and now a Mama!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


It's that time of year... flu and cold season. Every year I try to escape that nasty cold, but it always seems to get me. I've already gotten my preservative free flu shot (highly recommended for pregnant women) but in past years I still manage to get that sneezing, coughing, runny nose, itchy eyed bug even with a flu shot.
When I felt the dreaded October cold coming this year I stocked up on a few items that I'm CONVINCED helped my immune system fight off the bug. These Vitamin C Gummies are so yummy (taste like fruit snacks) and the Organic Vitamin C Pops are very tasty as well. A couple gummies in the morning and a Pop or two at night did the trick (in addition to a good night's sleep and balanced diet). Just goes to show you that Mom was right... Vitamin C 100% helps!

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