Just Married... and now a Mama!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What's for dinner?

I absolutely LOVE to cook... both baking and cooking were hobbies I shared with my Mother growing up, so I feel a special closeness to her whenever I put my chef's hat on. I've always had a pretty balanced diet, but now that I'm pregnant it's even more important to make sure my body is getting all of the necessary food groups, vitamins and nutrients necessary to keep baby and me healthy and steadily growing :) Here is an example of a typical dinner whip up for us... I love making dishes that have a lot of color to them (veggies!) and when choosing a carb, better to go with something like a sweet potato over a baked potato.
**The vegetables (right) are simple -- I chose to cut up yellow squash, zucchini, red pepper, mushroom, and onion. Splash olive oil in pan, throw in veggies and add some seasoned salt, garlic powder to your pleasing. I added some paprika as well for a little kick. Keep tossing the veggies around for 3-5 minutes until cooked through.
**For a quick baked potato, wash/scrub it thoroughly and then pat dry/poke holes on top. Place in microwave for 3-4 few minutes per potato while preheating oven to 375 degrees. Once microwaved, place potato in foil with the top open just a tad. Bake for about 10 minutes, or longer if you'd like. This is an easy way to get a baked potato for a quarter the time!
**Every woman should know how to use a grill - if you don't, get a free lesson from your husband, boyfriend, Dad, brother, friend, etc. It's super easy, and your man will be impressed:)

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