Just Married... and now a Mama!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Staying fit and feeling great

I'm someone who has always taken pride in staying fit and making a nice appearance. Working out is a daily release for me (weather in the gym, on a tennis court, or on a nice jog/walk) and is just as important for me mentally as it is physically.
If you can continue to exercise while pregnant, it is a huge plus for both you and your baby.  If you weren't into fitness before pregnancy it will be difficult to start a routine, but incorporating a brisk walk five days a week is a lot better than doing nothing at all. I've continued doing a similar type of cardio workout, but moderated -- I've decreased the intensity, time spent on machine, and - most importantly - I only workout on machines that display my heart rate. It is best to keep your heart rate under 140 BPM for the entirety of the workout (for pregnant women), which explains my bias toward high-end machines that display a correct reading. Below is the Cybex Arc Trainer -- in my opinion the best cardio machine in the gym, pregnant or not pregnant. It is a great total body workout that isn't tough on your joints and its settings allow you to modify your workout based on the incline and resistant you prefer that day. See: http://www.arctrainer.com/
Cybex 600A Arc Trainer (REMANUFATURED) - Click Image to Close

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